Frequently Asked Questions

Is this legitimate?

We've had two people contact us concerned that someone is using us to scam people with Evidoozle. We assure you it's not a scam.

Does Amazon have a strict policy against linking to my book from an app like Evidoozle?

No. We contacted KDP. The transcript can be found here.

If my book is enrolled in KDP Select can I market my book using Evidoozle?

You can, but the guidance we received from KDP wasn't definitive. Our interpretation of "not recommended" is that there's only the potential of running afoul. We don't think there's any problem since the link sends a perspective buyer to Amazonright where Amazon wants them. But use your discretion and decide based on what you're comfortable with.

Does Potter's Field Publishing profit from linking to my book from Evidoozle?

No. Not in the monetary sense at least. Potter's Field Publishing is not part of the Amazon Affiliate Program and would disclose that upfront if we were. We benefit by building awareness of Evidoozle and by feeling like we're helping authors to potentially find new readers of their books.

Do I need to send you my book cover?

No. Please don't unless asked. We get a copy of your book cover by downloading it from the Amazon link you provide.

Do I need to have the right to use my book cover for promotional purposes?

Yes. If you don't have the right to grant us use of the cover for a day, unfortunately, we won't be able to promote the book on Evidoozle.

What formatting is done to my book cover for use in Evidoozle?

Every book cover is scaled down and has its corners rounded to look like playing cards. We also need to crop a hair off the top or side sometimes. Rarely, a thin black border may be added or edge adjusted. These edits can be necessary to make the card look right in Evidoozle. Authors are obviously free to reject our extremely minor formatting.

I've asked for and received my offer. How long is it good for?

We've always considered 48 hours ample time for authors to look at their book covers and decide. After that, the offer will become invalid at our discretion.

Can I promote a book that is currently only available for pre‑order?

Yes. The 'Available at Amazon and other online bookstores.' line can be adjusted to reflect it's a pre-order.

I received my offer and clicked on the link but my book cover isn't there. Why?

Sometimes your browser cache is using a previously cached version of the game. It should reset within 4 hours. We apologize in advance for any confusion this may cause. If the problem persists, please contact us and we will rectify the issue.