How does Evidoozle market books?

Evidoozle is an online evidence-board based card game developed at Potter's Field Publishing under the direction of its Managing Partner, Sharon Daynard. It relies on the love of many for card games and puzzles, as well as the prevalence of evidence boards in mysteries, thrillers, and police procedurals, in print and on screen, to target the demographic most likely to buy a book in those genres. Each weekday, a different author's book cover is prominently displayed on the Evidoozle splash screen and throughout game play. The book cover can be selected from the splash screen or from the statistics screen, taking the player directly to the Amazon page where the book can be purchased or pre-ordered. There is no cost to the author to participate. The only requirement is for the author to promote their appearance on Evidoozle using their social media, but they'd do that anyway.

A fun way to promote your book

Evidoozle is a fun way to for an author to connect with their existing reader base and catch the attention of others. It's not intended to replace the traditional ways of promoting books such as blogging, podcasts or book events. It is intended to be an effortless marketing opportunity that gives an author a break from guest hosting a blog for a day, or loading up a box of books and driving 20 miles to be on a book panel. And let's face it, if it's a panel event the author is taking part in, the author will be sharing a two-hour time slot with 2 or 3 other authors. Evidoozle gives each author a full day to themselves. So, why not take advantage of the opportunity?

How to get started

Email with the Amazon link to your book. We'll send you back an offer for you to consider within a day or two. Check out the Offers link to learn more information. It's that simple and remember... it's totally free.